ROTI®Prep Viral RNA/DNA MINI has been developed for the isolation of viral DNA and RNA from various kinds of source material.
The isolation is carried out via the proven and reliable spin column technique, which is very easy to handle and needs only few steps.
The kit enables the simultaneous extraction of viral ssDNA, dsDNA and ssRNA. The purification happens by using a carrier RNA, which engenders a higher binding of the nucleic acid (resp. its complex with the carrier RNA) on the spin filter and thus a higher recovery rate.
Furthermore, in order to achieve a maximum of nucleic acid purity for each source material, 5 specifically optimised protocols are provided.
Thus, within approx. 25 mins high-pure viral nucleic acid is eluted, free from inhibitors. This nucleic acid may directly be applied to further downstream applications, like RT-PCR, PCR, packaging etc.
Lysis Buffer LSV, Binding Buffer BSN, Carrier CS, RNase-free Water, Proteinase K, Washing Buffer WSA, Washing Solution WSL, spin columns, collection tubes, elution tubes, detailed instructions-for-use.
Contents of this Kit may not be bought separately.
Please order ethanol 99,8 % (p.a., Art.-No. 9065) separately.