Exactly pre-weighed pouches for convenient and rapid preparation of TAE solution.
Running buffer for DNA gel electrophoresis. TAE is recommended for gel analysis of large fragments and for gel elution, when high recovery rates are needed. Additionally, TAE is the buffer of choice for native or denaturing RNA gels.
Prepared solution may be sterilized by filtration (0,22 µm). For long-term storage, buffer solution should be kept at room temperature.
As ready-to-use mixtures, ROTI®Fair products reduce the user's exposure to health-damaging substances used for preparation or pH adjustment. The production of ROTI®Fair tablets and sachets is carefully controlled in large quantities and can be made energy efficient. ROTI®Fair products reduce the total amount of waste produced and improve the footprint in the climate balance.
Menghoeveelheid | 500 ml/pouch |
Eindconcentratie | 50x |
pHwaarde | 8,3 ±0,05 |
Buffer/oplossing | Tris acetate EDTA buffer |
Toepassing | Buffer solution for DNA electrophoresis |
Prepared 50x TAE solution contains: 2 M Tris acetate, 50 mM EDTA, pH-value 8.3 ±0.05, when prepared in deionized or distilled water. |