[tab name='Description']
Euromex offers both teachers and microscopy amateurs a wide range of quality preparation sets. These sets can be used directly in biology lessons or as an introduction to zoology and botany.
Series with 25 micropreparations for human & mammalian histology, zoology and botany. Each set contains a variety of micro preparations (see details in next tab) All micro preparations are supplied in a plastic preparation box for 25 preparations
This set contains:
SH.1043 Heart muscle of dog, ls
SH.1070 Covering tissue of oral mucosa, human, isolated cells
SH.1315 Kidney of rat, cortex and marrow, cs
SH.1420 Small brain of dog, section
SH.1450 Rabbit spinal cord, cs
SH.1470 Taste buds tongue of rabbit, ls
SZ.1610 Flatworm, Planaria, with injected intestine, wm
SZ .1636 Horse roundworm, Ascaris megalocephala, mitosis eggs
SZ.1760 Dog flea, Ctenocephalus canis, wm
SZ.1770 Spider mite, Tetranychus, wm
SZ.1930 Bird, fly and down feather, cs
SZ .1940 Chicken, embryo 48 hours, sagitale, cs
SB.2090 Geranium, Pelargonium hortorum, stem, cs
SB.2112 Pumpkin, Cucurbita, stem, cs
SB.2135 Oleander, Nerium oleander, leaf with sunken stomata, cs
SB.2210 Lily, Lilium, anther with developed pollen, cs
SB.2214 Lily, Lilium, meiosis pollen, various stages
SB.2220 Shepherd's Purse, Capsella, Seed pod with embryo in pre-cotyledon stage, ls
SB.2222 Shepherd's Purse, Capsella, Seed pod with embryo in cotyledon stage, ls
SB.2234 Pine, Pinus, pollen, wm< br>SB.2330 Liverwort, Marchantia, thallus with breeding cups, cs
SB.2360 Yeast, Saccaromyces sp., vegetative reproduction by budding
SB.2365 Brush fungus, Penicillium sp., wm
SB.2410 Lactic acid bacteria , Streptococus lactis, smear
SB.2415 Hay Bacteria, Bacillus subtilis, smear
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cs = cross section
ls = longitudinal section
wm = entire specimen
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[tab name='Technical Specifications']
Cell staining techniques and preparation depend on the type of staining agent and analysis method. One or more of the following procedures may be necessary to prepare a sample:
• Permeabilization - treatment of cells, usually with a mild surfactant that dissolves cell membranes to allow larger dye molecules to enter the cell
• Fixation - serves to "fix" or maintain cell or tissue morphology through the perparation process. This process can include several steps, but most fixation procedures involve adding a chemical fixative that creates chemical bonds between proteins to increase their strength. Common fixatives include formaldehyde, ethanol, methanol, and/or picric acid
• Mounting - involves attaching samples to a slide for observation and analysis. Cells can be grown directly on the slide or single cells can be applied to a slide using sterile techniques. Thin sections (slices) of material - such as tissue - can also be placed on a microscope slide for observation
• Staining - the application of staining agent to cells, tissues, components, or metabolic processes of cells to color. This method may include immersing the sample (before or after fixing or mounting) in a dye solution and then rinsing and observing the sample under a microscope. Some dyes require the use of an etchant, which chemically reacts with the colorant to produce an insoluble colored result. The etched dye will remain on/in the sample when the excess dye solution is rinsed away